Issue 28, 2022

Thermally activated microstructural evolution of metallic heterophase nanoparticles: insights from molecular dynamics simulations


A crystal phase is a key factor to determine the physical and chemical properties of crystalline materials. As a new class of nanoscale structures, heterophase nanoparticles, which assemble conventional and unconventional phases, exhibit exceptional properties in comparison with their single-phase counterparts. In this work, we explored the thermodynamic stability of Au, Co, and AuCo heterophase nanoparticles with fcc and hcp phases by using molecular dynamics simulations. These heterostructured nanoparticles were continuously heated to examine their thermally activated structural evolutions. Au and Co single-phase nanoparticles were also considered for comparison. The results show that the phase transition between fcc and hcp is absent in these heterophase nanoparticles despite the existence of an unconventional phase. Although the melting of Au and Co heterophase nanoparticles is homogeneous, AuCo heterophase nanoparticles show heterogeneous melting, i.e., the Au fcc domain firstly melts, followed by the melting of the Co hcp domain, exhibiting a typical two-stage melting characteristic and resulting in the existence of a solid-core/liquid-shell structure within a considerable temperature region. Furthermore, the mutual diffusion of atoms between fcc and hcp domains is observed in the Au and Co heterophase nanoparticles. However, the unidirectional diffusion from the Au domain to the Co domain is found in the AuCo heterophase nanoparticles prior to their overall melting. This study deepens the fundamental understanding of the thermodynamic evolution of metallic heterogeneous nanoparticles and provides mechanistic and quantitative guidance for the rational design and applications of nanoscale multiphase heterostructures.

Graphical abstract: Thermally activated microstructural evolution of metallic heterophase nanoparticles: insights from molecular dynamics simulations

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Article information

Article type
10 Apr 2022
23 Jun 2022
First published
23 Jun 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 10236-10244

Thermally activated microstructural evolution of metallic heterophase nanoparticles: insights from molecular dynamics simulations

Y. Wen, Y. Li, W. Yang, K. Huang and R. Huang, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 10236 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR01974D

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