Issue 30, 2022

Advances and challenges in metal selenides enabled by nanostructures for electrochemical energy storage applications


The development of nanomaterials and their related electrochemical energy storage (EES) devices can provide solutions for improving the performance and development of existing EES systems owing to their high electronic conductivity and ion transport and abundant embeddable sites. Recent progress has demonstrated that metal selenides are attracting increasing attention in the field of EES because of their unique structures, high theoretical capacities, rich element resources, and high conductivity. However, there are still many challenges in their application in EES, and thus the use of nanoscale metal selenide materials in commercial devices is limited. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the nanostructured design of metal selenides (e.g., zero-, one-, two-, and three-dimensional, and self-supported structures) and present their advantages in terms of EES performance. Moreover, some remarks on the potential challenges and research prospects of nanostructured metal selenides in the field of EES are presented.

Graphical abstract: Advances and challenges in metal selenides enabled by nanostructures for electrochemical energy storage applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 Apr 2022
08 Jul 2022
First published
09 Jul 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 10690-10716

Advances and challenges in metal selenides enabled by nanostructures for electrochemical energy storage applications

B. Mao, D. Xu, T. Meng and M. Cao, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 10690 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR02304K

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