Issue 36, 2022

Computer vision-assisted investigation of boiling heat transfer on segmented nanowires with vertical wettability


The boiling efficacy is intrinsically tethered to trade-offs between the desire for bubble nucleation and necessity of vapor removal. The solution to these competing demands requires the separation of bubble activity and liquid delivery, often achieved through surface engineering. In this study, we independently engineer bubble nucleation and departure mechanisms through the design of heterogeneous and segmented nanowires with dual wettability with the aim of pushing the limit of structure-enhanced boiling heat transfer performances. The demonstration of separating liquid and vapor pathways outperforms state-of-the-art hierarchical nanowires, in particular, at low heat flux regimes while maintaining equal performances at high heat fluxes. A deep-learning based computer vision framework realized the autonomous curation and extraction of hidden big data along with digitalized bubbles. The combined efforts of materials design, deep learning techniques, and data-driven approach shed light on the mechanistic relationship between vapor/liquid pathways, bubble statistics, and phase change performance.

Graphical abstract: Computer vision-assisted investigation of boiling heat transfer on segmented nanowires with vertical wettability

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 May 2022
16 Aug 2022
First published
22 Aug 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 13078-13089

Author version available

Computer vision-assisted investigation of boiling heat transfer on segmented nanowires with vertical wettability

J. Lee, Y. Suh, M. Kuciej, P. Simadiris, M. T. Barako and Y. Won, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 13078 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR02447K

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