Issue 23, 2022

Advances in chromone-based reactants in the ring opening and skeletal reconstruction reaction: access to skeletally diverse salicyloylbenzene/heterocycle derivatives


Salicyloylbenzene/heterocycles are privileged scaffolds found in many natural products and bioactive molecules. Numerous useful approaches for the preparation of these privileged scaffolds have been developed in recent years. Among these approaches, chromone-based reactants have demonstrated their importance in the synthesis of these salicyloylbenzene/heterocycle scaffolds with structural complexity and potential biological appeal. In this review, the recent advances in the synthesis of salicyloylbenzene/heterocycles are summarized and discussed according to the chromone-based reactants which could be achieved in one step via ring-opening and skeletal reconstruction reactions. Both the mechanisms and the applications of the corresponding products in organic and medicinal chemistry are also described.

Graphical abstract: Advances in chromone-based reactants in the ring opening and skeletal reconstruction reaction: access to skeletally diverse salicyloylbenzene/heterocycle derivatives

Article information

Article type
Review Article
10 Mar 2022
17 May 2022
First published
17 May 2022

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022,20, 4681-4698

Advances in chromone-based reactants in the ring opening and skeletal reconstruction reaction: access to skeletally diverse salicyloylbenzene/heterocycle derivatives

D. Guo, H. Wang, Y. Zhou and X. Liu, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022, 20, 4681 DOI: 10.1039/D2OB00478J

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