Issue 24, 2022

Micelle-guided Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction of ketones in water


A novel Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction employing electron-deficient alkenes like acrylonitrile with a wide range of aryl and aliphatic ketones using cooperative catalysis in micellar media has been delineated. This transformation executed in water under mild reaction conditions in a confined environment of micelles is aligned to the ideas of sustainable and green chemistry. The site of the reaction was established by incisive proton NMR studies in the palisade region of the micellar assembly. This study is expected to encourage the use of micellar catalysis for energetically less favorable chemical reactions.

Graphical abstract: Micelle-guided Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction of ketones in water

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Article information

Article type
05 Apr 2022
23 May 2022
First published
26 May 2022

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022,20, 4888-4893

Micelle-guided Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction of ketones in water

M. M. Wani, A. A. Dar and B. A. Bhat, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2022, 20, 4888 DOI: 10.1039/D2OB00638C

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