Issue 12, 2022

Closed-shell d10–d10 in [AuCl(CNR)]n and [AuCl(CO)]n (n = 1, 2; R = –H, –CH3, –Cy) complexes: quantum chemistry study of their electronic and optical properties


The electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of [AuCl(CNR)] and [AuCl(CO)] (R = –H, –CH3, –Cy) complexes with d10–d10 type interactions were studied at the post-Hartree–Fock (MP2, SCS-MP2, CCSD(T)) and density functional theory levels. It was found that the nature of the intermetal interactions is consistent with the presence of an electrostatic (dipole–dipole) contribution and a dispersion-type interaction. The absorption spectra of these complexes were calculated using the single excitation time-dependent (TD) method at the DFT and SCS-CC2 levels. The calculated values are in agreement with the experimental range, where the absorption and emission energies reproduce the experimental trends, with large Stokes shifts. According to this, intermetallic interactions were found to be mainly responsible for the metal–metal charge transfer (MMCT) electronic transitions among the models studied.

Graphical abstract: Closed-shell d10–d10 in [AuCl(CNR)]n and [AuCl(CO)]n (n = 1, 2; R = –H, –CH3, –Cy) complexes: quantum chemistry study of their electronic and optical properties

Article information

Article type
29 Sep 2021
21 Feb 2022
First published
07 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 7516-7528

Closed-shell d10–d10 in [AuCl(CNR)]n and [AuCl(CO)]n (n = 1, 2; R = –H, –CH3, –Cy) complexes: quantum chemistry study of their electronic and optical properties

F. Mendizabal and S. Miranda-Rojas, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 7516 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA07269B

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