Issue 34, 2022

Electroactive aniline tetramer–spider silks with conductive and electrochromic functionality


Electroactive aniline tetramer–spider silk composite fibers with high conductivity and mechanical strength were developed using a dip coating method. The fabricated spider silk composite fibers retain the high mechanical strength (0.92 GPa) and unique reversible relaxation–contraction behavior of spider dragline silks. The aniline tetramer modified on the silk surface imparted electroactive properties to the composite fibers. The color of aniline tetramer/spider silk composite fibers could be controlled by applying different pH values and voltages. Furthermore, the composite fiber's resistivity could reach 186 Ω m which can conduct electrical current to light LEDs. This study could provide a valuable guideline for developing highly-conductive electrochromic spider silks for use in E-textiles.

Graphical abstract: Electroactive aniline tetramer–spider silks with conductive and electrochromic functionality

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Article information

Article type
17 Feb 2022
27 Jul 2022
First published
10 Aug 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 21946-21956

Electroactive aniline tetramer–spider silks with conductive and electrochromic functionality

H. Wan, Y. Chen, G. Li, H. Wu, T. Huang and Ta-I. Yang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 21946 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA01065H

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