The effect of the structure of a helical nanofilament of the B4 phase of bent-core liquid crystals on the nano-phase separation mixed with a rod-like cholesteric liquid crystal mixture
We studied the structure of a helical nano-filament of the B4 phase in mixtures of a cholesteric liquid crystal mixture and a bent-core molecule using a resonant soft X-ray scattering (RSoXS) technique. In this system, nanophase separation occurs and it was already found that an unexpected new functional chiral smectic structure in the rod-like molecule rich region is constructed by the strong interaction between bent-core and rod-like molecules. In this paper, we focused on the structure of the helical filament in the bent-core liquid crystalline molecule rich region in this mixing system, and it was found that the pitch of the helical filament decreases and the coherence of the helical structure increases.