Issue 46, 2022, Issue in Progress

Fe/N codoped porous graphitic carbon derived from macadamia shells as an efficient cathode oxygen reduction catalyst in microbial fuel cells


In this study, Fe/N codoped porous graphitic carbon derived from macadamia shells was prepared at different temperatures as cathodic catalysts for microbial fuel cells (MFCs), with K2FeO4 as a bifunctional catalyst for porosity and graphitization. The catalyst prepared at 750 °C (referred to as MSAC-750) showed a large specific surface area (1670.3 m2 g−1), graphite structure, and high pyridine-N and Fe-NX contents. Through the electrochemical workstation test, MSAC-750 shows excellent oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity, with an onset potential of 0.172 V and a half-wave potential of −0.028 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in a neutral medium, and the ORR electron transfer number is 3.89. When applied to the MFCs as cathodic catalysts, a higher maximum power density and voltage of 378.68 mW m−2 and 0.425 V were achieved with the MSAC-750 catalyst and is superior to that of the Pt/C catalyst (300.85 mW m−2 and 0.402 V). In this case, a promising method is hereby established for the preparation of an excellent electrochemical catalyst for microbial fuel cells using inexpensive and easily available macadamia shells.

Graphical abstract: Fe/N codoped porous graphitic carbon derived from macadamia shells as an efficient cathode oxygen reduction catalyst in microbial fuel cells

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Article information

Article type
08 Jul 2022
13 Oct 2022
First published
24 Oct 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 30145-30156

Fe/N codoped porous graphitic carbon derived from macadamia shells as an efficient cathode oxygen reduction catalyst in microbial fuel cells

H. Ning, Z. Zhang, C. Shi, X. Ma, J. Li, H. Zhu and J. Hu, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 30145 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA04214B

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