Issue 42, 2022

Universal and ultrasensitive detection of foodborne bacteria on a lateral flow assay strip by using wheat germ agglutinin-modified magnetic SERS nanotags


Rapid, direct and sensitive detection of foodborne bacteria in complex samples is still challenging. Here, we reported a universal surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based lateral flow assay (LFA) for highly sensitive detection of foodborne bacteria in food and environmental samples using wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-modified Fe3O4@Au (Au@MNP-WGA) nanotags. The Au@MNP-WGA tag with numerous intraparticle hotspots was integrated into the LFA system for the first time, which can not only greatly improve the detection sensitivity through the dual amplification effect of magnetic enrichment and SERS enhancement but also achieve the broad-spectrum capture of multiple bacteria. In addition, monoclonal antibodies were separately immobilized onto the test line of different LFA strips to ensure the specific detection of different target pathogens. With this strategy, the proposed assay can achieve the universal and highly sensitive determination of three common foodborne bacteria, namely, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter jejuni, and Staphylococcus aureus, with low detection limit (10 cells mL−1), short testing time (<35 min), and high reproducibility (RSD < 8.14%). Given its good stability and accuracy in complex samples, the Au@MNP-WGA-based SERS-LFA has great potential to be a powerful tool for the universal and on-site detection of different foodborne pathogens.

Graphical abstract: Universal and ultrasensitive detection of foodborne bacteria on a lateral flow assay strip by using wheat germ agglutinin-modified magnetic SERS nanotags

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Article type
29 Jul 2022
20 Sep 2022
First published
27 Sep 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 27344-27354

Universal and ultrasensitive detection of foodborne bacteria on a lateral flow assay strip by using wheat germ agglutinin-modified magnetic SERS nanotags

Z. Tu, S. Cheng, H. Dong, W. Wang, X. Yang, B. Gu, S. Wang and C. Wang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 27344 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA04735G

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