Issue 49, 2022, Issue in Progress

Synthesis and optical properties of Gd4Al2O9:Eu3+, a red emitting phosphor with a strong negative thermal quenching effect


For the purpose of obtaining red-light phosphors with excellent luminescence thermal stability, a series of Gd4Al2O9:Eu3+ (GAO:Eu3+) phosphors were synthesized by combining the sol-gel method with high-temperature calcination, and a detailed series of study and analysis of their room temperature and high temperature luminescence properties was carried out. In GAO, the emission peaks corresponding to the 5D07Fj (j = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) transitions of Eu3+ were observed at 578, 590, 610, 654, and 707 nm, with the strongest emission peak at 610 nm, and the obtained samples were red-light phosphors. The sample GAO:Eu3+ synthesized by combining the sol-gel method with high-temperature calcination has a negative thermal quenching (NTQ) effect, and the best doped sample GAO:0.16Eu3+ has an optimal luminescence temperature of 120 °C, and the corresponding integrated PL intensity is 183.2% of the initial value at 30 °C. The presence of the NTQ effect makes GAO:0.16Eu3+ have good luminescence thermal stability, which manifests as thermal-optical energy conversion at the macroscopic level. A detailed study of the thermal quenching mechanism was carried out.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and optical properties of Gd4Al2O9:Eu3+, a red emitting phosphor with a strong negative thermal quenching effect

Article information

Article type
03 Sep 2022
18 Oct 2022
First published
03 Nov 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 31546-31554

Synthesis and optical properties of Gd4Al2O9:Eu3+, a red emitting phosphor with a strong negative thermal quenching effect

J. Ming, C. Luo, S. Ling, C. Chen, Y. Wang, S. Liao, Y. Huang and J. Liang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 31546 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA05540F

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