Issue 51, 2022

Self-supporting photocatalyst of 2D Bi2O3 anchored on carbon paper for degradation pollutants


Two-dimensional vertically aligned Bi2O3 nanosheets over carbon paper (CP) were prepared via an in situ growth approach. Bi2O3/CP exhibits a robust photocatalytic activity, as well as renewability and flexibility. With Rhodamine B and 2,4-dichlorophenol used as target pollutants, the rate constant of Bi2O3/CP was 3.72 × 10−3 min−1 and 6.93 × 10−3 min−1 under visible-light irradiation for 2 h, respectively. The improved activity was attributed to the synergistic effects of the hierarchical structure of Bi2O3 and the conductive substrate, CP; the former provided efficient catalytic sites for the pollutants and absorbed more of the light scattered among the nanosheets, while the latter is beneficial to the photogenerated electron transfer.

Graphical abstract: Self-supporting photocatalyst of 2D Bi2O3 anchored on carbon paper for degradation pollutants

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Article type
25 Sep 2022
18 Nov 2022
First published
22 Nov 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 33449-33458

Self-supporting photocatalyst of 2D Bi2O3 anchored on carbon paper for degradation pollutants

J. Zhou, C. Wang, C. Zhou, F. Duo, L. Chu and M. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 33449 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA06042F

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