Issue 54, 2022, Issue in Progress

Radiolabeled albumin through SNAr of cysteines as a potential pretargeting theranostic agent


Human serum albumin (HSA) has been shown to be a promising tumor targeting vector and target for generating theranostics by bioconjugation. Unstable chemical conjugation to HSA via a cysteine (Cys34) by reversible Michael additions is most commonly applied for this purpose. Herein, we describe utilization of our recently developed site-selective irreversible SNAr conjugation to Cys34 using perfluorobenzene sulfonyl derivatives to introduce a trans-cyclooctene (TCO) handle. The TCO could then be bioorthogonally ligated within minutes through an inverse-electron demand Diels–Alder reaction (IEDDA) to tetrazines (Tzs) containing a radionuclide. The methodology opens up a wide range of chemistries including pretargeting, ‘click-to-release’ tumor selective drug delivery or ultra-fast and complete conjugation of any drug. The proof-of-principle study demonstrated that the conjugation chemistry is feasible, robust and easy to carry out, being promising for pretargeted imaging and therapy studies as well as selective drug delivery using HSA.

Graphical abstract: Radiolabeled albumin through SNAr of cysteines as a potential pretargeting theranostic agent

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Article information

Article type
11 Oct 2022
23 Nov 2022
First published
08 Dec 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 35032-35036

Radiolabeled albumin through SNAr of cysteines as a potential pretargeting theranostic agent

N. H. Fischer, S. I. Lopes van den Broek, M. M. Herth and F. Diness, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 35032 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA06406E

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