Issue 53, 2022

Insights into chalcone analogues with potential as antioxidant additives in diesel–biodiesel blends


Biodiesel production is one of the promising strategies to reduce diesel consumption and an important contribution to climate change. However, biodiesel stability remains a challenging problem in biofuel use in the global energy matrix. In this context, organic additives have been investigated to minimize these problems and reduce harmful emissions to comply with fuel requirement standards. In this study, we discuss a comprehensive structural description, a behavior of B15 [85% volume of diesel and 15% volume of biodiesel (B100)] stability in the presence of antioxidants (chalcone analogues), and a theoretical calculation to pave the way for clarifying and expanding the potential of title compounds as an antioxidant additive for diesel–biodiesel blends. Finally, a systematic description of the oxidation stability was undertaken using a specialized machine learning computational pySIRC platform.

Graphical abstract: Insights into chalcone analogues with potential as antioxidant additives in diesel–biodiesel blends

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Article type
17 Nov 2022
17 Nov 2022
First published
05 Dec 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 34746-34759

Insights into chalcone analogues with potential as antioxidant additives in diesel–biodiesel blends

I. D. Borges, E. C. M. Faria, J. F. M. Custódio, V. S. Duarte, F. S. Fernandes, C. G. Alonso, F. O. Sanches-Neto, V. H. Carvalho-Silva, G. R. Oliveira and H. B. Napolitano, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 34746 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA07300E

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