Issue 18, 2022

[Ni30S16(PEt3)11]: an open-shell nickel sulfide nanocluster with a “metal-like” core


Reaction of [Ni(1,5-cod)2] (30 equiv.) with PEt3 (46 equiv.) and S8 (1.9 equiv.) in toluene, followed by heating at 115 °C for 16 h, results in the formation of the atomically precise nanocluster (APNC), [Ni30S16(PEt3)11] (1), in 14% isolated yield. Complex 1 represents the largest open-shell Ni APNC yet isolated. In the solid state, 1 features a compact “metal-like” core indicative of a high degree of Ni–Ni bonding. Additionally, SQUID magnetometry suggests that 1 possesses a manifold of closely-spaced electronic states near the HOMO–LUMO gap. In situ monitoring by ESI-MS and 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy reveal that 1 forms via the intermediacy of smaller APNCs, including [Ni8S5(PEt3)7] and [Ni26S14(PEt3)10] (2). The latter APNC was also characterized by X-ray crystallography and features a nearly identical core structure to that found in 1. This work demonstrates that large APNCs with a high degree of metal–metal bonding are isolable for nickel, and not just the noble metals.

Graphical abstract: [Ni30S16(PEt3)11]: an open-shell nickel sulfide nanocluster with a “metal-like” core

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
14 Feb 2022
08 Apr 2022
First published
11 Apr 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 5171-5175

[Ni30S16(PEt3)11]: an open-shell nickel sulfide nanocluster with a “metal-like” core

A. J. Touchton, G. Wu and T. W. Hayton, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 5171 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC00960A

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