Issue 2, 2022

Screening versatile water/adsorbent working pairs for wide operating conditions of adsorption heat pumps


Adsorption heat pumps (AHPs) for space cooling and heating using environment-friendly water as a working fluid have attracted growing research interest. In order to explore high-performance adsorbent/water working pairs, many efforts have been devoted to the cooling or heating performance evaluation of adsorbent/water working pairs under typical operating conditions. However, theoretical assessment of the performance limits of each working pair is essential to identify versatile working pairs for wide operating conditions. In this work, two evaluation criteria, i.e. the effective COP (COPeff) and the effective ΔTliftTefflift), are introduced in order to reach a compromise between the coefficient of performance (COP) and temperature lift (ΔTlift) of each working pair. The adsorption cooling and heating potential of 231 adsorbents/water working pairs under varying operating conditions were estimated by mathematical modeling. The versatile working pairs exhibiting both high ΔTefflift (>20 K for cooling and >30 K for heating) and high COPeff (>0.6 for cooling and >1.6 for heating) are selected, in which working pairs with a high specific cooling/heating effect (SCE/SHE) and lower desorption temperature are favorable candidates. Besides, the potential of COP enhancement of each working pair by tuning operating conditions is also estimated. The computational strategy reported in this work provides unique insights to select versatile working pairs for a wide range of operating conditions of adsorption cooling and heating.

Graphical abstract: Screening versatile water/adsorbent working pairs for wide operating conditions of adsorption heat pumps

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Article information

Article type
16 Nov 2021
19 Nov 2021
First published
19 Nov 2021

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2022,6, 309-319

Screening versatile water/adsorbent working pairs for wide operating conditions of adsorption heat pumps

Z. Liu, W. Li, S. Cai, Z. Tu, X. Luo and S. Li, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2022, 6, 309 DOI: 10.1039/D1SE01819A

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