Issue 31, 2022

Challenges for large scale applications of rechargeable Zn–air batteries


New energy storage devices have received unprecedented attention driven by the goals of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking and the deepening of the concept of green energy. Compared with lithium-ion batteries, rechargeable Zn–air batteries (RZABs) have many advantages such as high theoretical specific energy and high safety. However, zinc dendrites and sluggish OER/ORR kinetics make them hard to industrialize and apply on a large scale. In this view, we have extensively investigated the challenges faced by RZABs and efforts devoted to them such as zinc electrode treatments, solid-state electrolytes and various novel air electrodes in recent years. Then, their pros and cons and feasibility in practical applications are analyzed. Eventually, new concepts of Zn–air batteries are discussed in both energy storage batteries and power batteries, and suggestions for accelerating the large-scale application of Zn–air batteries are put forward.

Graphical abstract: Challenges for large scale applications of rechargeable Zn–air batteries

Article information

Article type
30 May 2022
08 Jul 2022
First published
11 Jul 2022

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022,10, 16369-16389

Challenges for large scale applications of rechargeable Zn–air batteries

N. Shang, K. Wang, M. Wei, Y. Zuo, P. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Chen and P. Pei, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 16369 DOI: 10.1039/D2TA04294K

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