Issue 4, 2022

Large energy-storage density and positive electrocaloric effect in xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 relaxor ferroelectric ceramics


xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 relaxor ferroelectric ceramics were synthesized via the high-temperature solid-state reaction process. The X-ray diffraction patterns of xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 showed that the structure of samples was transformed from the tetragonal phase to the pseudo-cubic phase when x ≥ 0.025. The calculated universal Curie–Weiss constants and slim shape of the polarization-electric field hysteresis loops indicated that xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 ceramic was converted from a normal ferroelectric to a relaxor ferroelectric. The energy-storage properties of 0.1BiFeO3–0.9BaTiO3 were also measured at room temperature. The maximum discharged energy density and efficiency procured were 1.22 J cm−3 and 85.98%, respectively. The electric field-dependent energy-storage density was fitted using an exponential function of En, and it was found that n < 2. It was worth noting that the positive electrocaloric effect (ECE) was observed in xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 bulk ceramics, no matter when directly measured using a thermocouple or indirectly calculated using the Maxwell relation. Also, a ΔTmax of 1.55 K was indirectly calculated from the temperature-dependent P–E hysteresis loops for 0.05BiFeO3–0.95BaTiO3; while a ΔTmax of 2.20 K was directly obtained using the thermocouple. The positive ECE means that the xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 is a conventional ferroelectric or relaxor ferroelectric. Finally, the electrocaloric strengths measured were considered with the equation dT/dE obtained by Lu et al.

Graphical abstract: Large energy-storage density and positive electrocaloric effect in xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 relaxor ferroelectric ceramics

Article information

Article type
30 Jul 2021
31 Oct 2021
First published
04 Jan 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 1302-1312

Large energy-storage density and positive electrocaloric effect in xBiFeO3–(1 − x)BaTiO3 relaxor ferroelectric ceramics

H. Tang, X. Niu, P. Zhao, X. Tang, X. Jian, X. Chen, X. Peng, Z. Yang and S. Lu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 1302 DOI: 10.1039/D1TC03549E

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