Issue 5, 2022

Flexible capacitive pressure sensors for wearable electronics


Flexible pressure sensors have attracted more and more attention recently due to their broad applications, such as in electronic skin and wearable electronics for health monitoring. Among them, capacitive flexible pressure sensors stand out because of their unique properties, including energy efficiency, simple device structure and fabrication with low costs. In order to realize wearable electronic devices for health monitoring, the target of researchers is to design and fabricate capacitive pressure sensors with high sensitivity, fast response and excellent stability. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the current research progress of flexible capacitive pressure sensors. In this work, we will illustrate the working principles, device structure and materials for each component, strategies to improve the sensitivity of capacitive pressure sensors as well as their applications in wearable electronic devices. In addition, the current challenges and future research directions of flexible capacitive pressure sensors will also be proposed.

Graphical abstract: Flexible capacitive pressure sensors for wearable electronics

Article information

Article type
Review Article
03 Nov 2021
28 Dec 2021
First published
05 Jan 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 1594-1605

Flexible capacitive pressure sensors for wearable electronics

H. Wang, Z. Li, Z. Liu, J. Fu, T. Shan, X. Yang, Q. Lei, Y. Yang and D. Li, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 1594 DOI: 10.1039/D1TC05304C

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