Optical gaps and excitons in semiconducting transition metal carbides (MXenes)†
We use time-dependent density functional theory together with the HSE06 hybrid functional to investigate the optical and excitonic properties of two-dimensional transition metal carbides, MXenes. We determine reliable optical gaps, optical absorbance spectra, and exciton features for a set of eight semiconducting MXenes. The optical gaps of Sc2CF2, Cr2CF2, Cr2C(OH)2, and anti-ferromagnetic Mn2CO2 (1.9–2.3 eV) lie in the energy region of visible (VIS) light. Sc2C(OH)2, Ti2C, Ti2CO2, and ferromagnetic Mn2CO2 with smaller optical gaps (0.4–1.2 eV) well absorb solar radiation, including VIS light. Moreover, Ti2C and ferromagnetic Mn2CO2 show high monolayer absorbance of 10–20% in the 1–3 eV energy range. Finally, we analyse the excitons in MXenes and find that the first bright excitons of Sc- and Ti-based MXenes are strongly localized in k-space while the corresponding excitons of Cr- and Mn-based systems are delocalized.