Issue 22, 2022

Manipulating room-temperature phosphorescence via lone-pair electrons and empty-orbital arrangements and hydrogen bond adjustment


Most pure organic materials with room-temperature phosphorescence (RTP) possess heteroatoms with lone-pair electrons or boron atoms with empty p-orbitals leading to an accelerated kisc. In this work, we present a strategy to efficiently tune the RTP emission through lone-pair electrons and empty orbital arrangements, and rotation of the borate pinacol (Bpin) group. In BP2Bpin, the empty p-orbitals are occupied by neighboring lone-pair electrons, and no RTP emission is observed. Meanwhile, strong RTP emission is detected in BP4Bpin due to the separation of the lone-pair electrons and empty p-orbitals. Furthermore, the crystalline n-BP4Bpin possesses green PL and longer RTP emission at ca. 490 and 525 nm (τ = 61 ms) and c-BP4Bpin shows white PL and short RTP emission at ca. 520 nm (τ = 15 ms). The emission of crystalline n-BP4Bpin changes from green-yellow to blue-white light with the temperature increasing from 25 °C to 60 °C. Detailed single-crystal and computational analyses are preformed to illustrate the diverse PL and RTP properties. This work enables the manipulation of RTP emission by adjusting the arrangements of lone-pair electrons and empty orbitals and the change of emission through controlling the ISC processes. It provides a strategy for tuning the PL and RTP properties of organic light-emitting materials.

Graphical abstract: Manipulating room-temperature phosphorescence via lone-pair electrons and empty-orbital arrangements and hydrogen bond adjustment

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Article information

Article type
17 Mar 2022
11 May 2022
First published
11 May 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 8854-8859

Manipulating room-temperature phosphorescence via lone-pair electrons and empty-orbital arrangements and hydrogen bond adjustment

H. Sun, Z. Xie, H. Wang, Y. Wu, B. Du, C. Guan and T. Yu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 8854 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC01089E

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