Facet-dependent electrical conductivity properties of a 4H-SiC wafer†
Intrinsic {0001} 4H-SiC wafer cut to expose {100} and {1
10} side faces allows for conductivity measurements on different crystal surfaces. The wafer has a band gap of 3.20 eV. Its {0001} face gives a strong emission band at 384 nm, but the {10
0} face is barely emissive. The {0001} face is also highly electrically conductive. The {10
0} and {1
10} faces show similar but comparatively less conductivity than the {0001} face. Clean current-rectifying I–V curves are obtained for the {0001}/{10
0} facet combination, so novel transistors can be fabricated using the electrical facet effect. Moreover, the SiC wafer displays clear photoconductivity properties.