Issue 40, 2022

bay-Dissymmetrical hetero- and Aza-Benzannulated PeryleneDiimides as new n-type semiconductors


AzaBenzannulated PeryleneDiimides (AzaBPDIs) and their nitrogen, sulphur and selenium bay-functionalized derivatives are introduced herein as a new class of n-type semiconductors. Heteroatoms were inserted in one bay prior to the application of a visible-light-driven cyclisation strategy closing a six-membered ring comprising a nitrogen atom on the opposite bay. The electronic and optical properties of these compounds were studied both in solution and in thin films. With the exception of the nitrogen-appended derivative, all dyes behaved as n-type semiconductors, with little to no sensitivity to thermal annealing. This demonstration opens the door to the design of more complex AzaBPDI based architectures.

Graphical abstract: bay-Dissymmetrical hetero- and Aza-Benzannulated PeryleneDiimides as new n-type semiconductors

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Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2022
22 Aug 2022
First published
23 Aug 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 14939-14945

bay-Dissymmetrical hetero- and Aza-Benzannulated PeryleneDiimides as new n-type semiconductors

A. Goujon, L. Rocard, H. Melville, T. Cauchy, C. Cabanetos, S. Dabos-Seignon and P. Hudhomme, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 14939 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC02999E

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