Issue 45, 2022

High-temperature energy storage performances of “isomer-like” polyimide and its thermoplastic polyurethane blending system


With the rapid development of high-temperature energy storage devices, polyimide films with excellent thermal stability have become candidates for capacitor materials. However, the energy density (Ue) and efficiency (η) of the most commonly used polyimide (common PI) decrease exponentially at high temperatures. In this work, the “isomer-like” of common PI (i-PI) is prepared by optimizing the structure of the repeating unit of common PI. Compared with the common PI film (Ue of 0.59 J cm−3 and η of 24% at 150 °C), the i-PI film obtains a high Ue of 3.48 J cm−3 with an η of 54% at 150 °C. The adjustment of the position of the ether bond reduces the interchain space of the polymer, which decreases the free volume for electron acceleration resulting in a better insulation performance. Then, flexible thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) with high dielectric permittivity is introduced into i-PI, which further reduces the interchain space. The obtained TPU/i-PI film achieves a synergistic improvement in dielectric permittivity and breakdown strength. At 150 °C, the high Ue of 4.23 J cm−3 with η of 73% is achieved. Compared with those of common PI, Ue and η of TPU/i-PI film are improved by 617% and 204%, respectively. Therefore, reducing the interchain space by optimizing the polymer chains is a feasible method to enhance the high-temperature capacitive performance.

Graphical abstract: High-temperature energy storage performances of “isomer-like” polyimide and its thermoplastic polyurethane blending system

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Article information

Article type
20 Jul 2022
28 Oct 2022
First published
31 Oct 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 17326-17335

High-temperature energy storage performances of “isomer-like” polyimide and its thermoplastic polyurethane blending system

X. Liu, M. Zheng, Q. Chi, Y. Zhang, Z. Dang, G. Chen and J. Zha, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 17326 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC03043H

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