Issue 54, 2023

Long-term sciatic nerve block led by a supramolecular arrangement of self-delivery local anesthetic nano systems


Classical local anesthetics are unsuitable to treat regional pain lasting several days due to their limited duration and systemic toxicity. Self-delivery nano systems without excipients were designed for long-term sensory blocks. 1a self-assembled into different vehicles with different fractions of intermolecular π–π stacking, transported itself into nerve cells, and released single molecules slowly to achieve long-term duration for rats’ sciatic nerve block for 11.6 h in water, 12.1 h in water with CO2 and 3.4 h in NS (normal saline). After the counter ions were changed to SO42−, 1e can self-assemble into vesicles and prolong the duration to 43.2 h, which was much longer than the 3.8 h led by (s)-bupivacaine hydrocloride (0.75%). This was mainly caused by the enhancement of self-release and counter ion exchange inside nerve cells, which were affected by the gemini surfactant structure, pKa of the counter ions and π–π stacking interactions.

Graphical abstract: Long-term sciatic nerve block led by a supramolecular arrangement of self-delivery local anesthetic nano systems

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Article information

Article type
10 May 2023
08 Jun 2023
First published
09 Jun 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 8400-8403

Long-term sciatic nerve block led by a supramolecular arrangement of self-delivery local anesthetic nano systems

L. Tang, F. Qin, D. Gong, Y. Dong, L. Pan, C. Zhou, Q. Yin, X. Song, R. Ling, J. Huang, Q. Fan, W. Yi, F. Wu, X. Wu, W. Zhang, J. Yang and J. Wang, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 8400 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC02269B

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