Promotion of S-nitrosation of cysteine by a {Co(NO)2}10 complex†
S-Nitrosothiols (SNOs) serve as endogenous carriers and donors of NO within living cells, releasing nitrosonium ions (NO+), NO, or other nitroso derivatives. In this study, we present a bioinspired {Co(NO)2}10 complex 1 that achieved S-nitrosation towards Cys residues. The incorporation of a ferrocenyl group in 1 allowed for fine-tuning of the nitrosation reaction, taking advantage of the redox ability of Cys residues. Complex 1 was synthesized and characterized, demonstrating its NO translation reactivity. Furthermore, complex 1 successfully converted Cys into S-nitrosocysteine (Cys-SNO), as confirmed by UV-Vis, IR, and XAS spectroscopy. This study presents a promising approach for S-nitrosation of Cys residues for further exploration in the modification of Cys-containing peptides.