K5Yb1−xEux(MoO4)4 phosphors: aperiodic structures and luminescence properties†
The effects of composition and preparation conditions of palmierite-type K5Yb1−xEux(MoO4)4 (KYEMO) compounds on their structural and luminescence properties were studied in this work. The solid solutions were obtained in three ways: 1) annealing at 893 ± 10 K (low-temperature (LT) phases); 2) slow cooling to room temperature from 1123 ± 10 K (intermediate (IM) phases); 3) quenching in liquid nitrogen from 1123 ± 10 K (high temperature (HT) phases). As a result, three modifications, α-phase (space group (SG) Rm), β-phase (superspace group (SSG) C2/m(0β0)00 or X2/m(0β0)00), and γ-phase (SG C2/c) were obtained and characterized. The regions of existence of various modifications of the solid solutions were established. α-KYEMO (0 ≤ x ≤ 1 solid solutions, HT-) and LT- and IM-phases with 0.8 ≤ x ≤ 1 have trigonal symmetry (SG R
m). The LT- and IM-phases with 0.3 ≤ x < 0.8 have monoclinic symmetry (SG C2/m). The incommensurately modulated structure of β-K5Yb0.3Eu0.7(MoO4)4 was refined from synchrotron XRD data by the Rietveld method in the superspace group C2/m(0β0). The luminescence characteristics of the series of KYEMO solid solutions were studied. The influence of the Eu3+ concentration on the PL spectra of α-KYEMO under excitation at the 7F0 → 5L6 Eu3+ transition (λex = 395 nm) and CTB (λex = 260 nm) and the influence of synthesis conditions on the luminescence intensities of Eu3+ and Yb3+ emission were investigated. Increasing the concentration of Eu3+ shifts the CIE coordinates from an orange to an orange-red region. The synthesis method, composition and structure affect the color change from light orange to orange in the order HT → LT → IM for x = 0.5 and LT → HT → IM for x = 0.8. Periodic (γ-phase) and aperiodic (β-phase) ordering of K1 and Yb in M1 positions in the structure is more preferable for the emission of 2F5/2 → 2F7/2 transition of Yb3+ ions than a random distribution of the cations in the α-phase structure. The 5D0 → 7F0 and 5D0 → 7F2 Eu3+ transition intensities and the Eu3+/Yb3+ emission ratio depend on the excitation. From the PLE spectra for β-KYMO, the optical band gap was determined to be 4.13 eV. The quantum yield measured for α-K5Yb0.3Eu0.7(MoO4)4 has a very high value of 62%. The intensities of Eu3+ and Yb3+ emission depend on the Eu3+/Yb3+ ratio as well as the excitation wavelength. The structural and optoelectronic characteristics make the K5Yb1−xEux(MoO4)4 phosphors strong contenders for near UV-WLEDs.