Issue 16, 2023

Integrated CO2 capture and electrochemical upgradation: the underpinning mechanism and techno-chemical analysis


Coupling post-combustion CO2 capture with electrochemical utilization (CCU) is a quantum leap in renewable energy science since it eliminates the cost and energy involved in the transport and storage of CO2. However, the major challenges involved in industrial scale implementation are selecting an appropriate solvent/electrolyte for CO2 capture, modeling an appropriate infrastructure by coupling an electrolyser with a CO2 point source and a separator to isolate CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) products, and finally selection of an appropriate electrocatalyst. In this review, we highlight the major difficulties with detailed mechanistic interpretation in each step, to find out the underpinning mechanism involved in the integration of electrochemical CCU to achieve higher-value products. In the past decades, most of the studies dealt with individual parts of the integration process, i.e., either selecting a solvent for CO2 capture, designing an electrocatalyst, or choosing an ideal electrolyte. In this context, it is important to note that solvents such as monoethanolamine, bicarbonate, and ionic liquids are often used as electrolytes in CO2 capture media. Therefore, it is essential to fabricate a cost-effective electrolyser that should function as a reversible binder with CO2 and an electron pool capable of recovering the solvent to electrolyte reversibly. For example, reversible ionic liquids, which are non-ionic in their normal forms, but produce ionic forms after CO2 capture, can be further reverted back to their original non-ionic forms after CO2 release with almost 100% efficiency through the chemical or thermal modulations. This review also sheds light on a focused techno-economic evolution for converting the electrochemically integrated CCU process from a pilot-scale project to industrial-scale implementation. In brief, this review article will summarize a state-of-the-art argumentation of challenges and outcomes over the different segments involved in electrochemically integrated CCU to stimulate urgent progress in the field.

Graphical abstract: Integrated CO2 capture and electrochemical upgradation: the underpinning mechanism and techno-chemical analysis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
20 Dec 2022
First published
04 Aug 2023

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2023,52, 5744-5802

Integrated CO2 capture and electrochemical upgradation: the underpinning mechanism and techno-chemical analysis

S. Kumar De, D. Won, J. Kim and D. H. Kim, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2023, 52, 5744 DOI: 10.1039/D2CS00512C

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