Issue 22, 2023

Impact of regiochemistry in energetic materials science: a case of (nitratomethyl-1,2,3-triazolyl)furazans


The preparation of multipurpose high-energy materials for space technologies remains a challenging task and such materials usually require special precautions and fine tunability of their functional properties. To unveil new opportunities en route to high-performance energetic materials, novel potential melt-castable explosives and energetic plasticizers incorporating a (1,2,3-triazolyl)furazan scaffold enriched with nitro and nitratomethyl explosophoric functionalities were synthesized. The successful implementation of the regiodivergent approach enabled the preparation of regioisomeric (nitratomethyltriazolyl)furazans that possessed significantly different physicochemical properties classifying the target materials as melt-castable substances or energetic plasticizers. Hirshfeld surface calculations supported by energy framework plots were also performed to better understand the relationship between the molecular structure and sensitivity. All the prepared (1,2,3-triazolyl)furazans show high nitrogen–oxygen contents (76–77%), good experimental densities (up to 1.72 g cm−3) and high positive enthalpies of formation (180–318 kJ mol−1) resulting in good detonation performances (D = 7.1–8.0 km s−1; P = 21–29 GPa). Overall, this work unveils novel strategies for the construction of balanced energetic melt-castable substances or plasticizers for various applications.

Graphical abstract: Impact of regiochemistry in energetic materials science: a case of (nitratomethyl-1,2,3-triazolyl)furazans

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Article information

Article type
26 Mar 2023
06 May 2023
First published
08 May 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 7673-7683

Impact of regiochemistry in energetic materials science: a case of (nitratomethyl-1,2,3-triazolyl)furazans

M. A. Epishina, A. S. Kulikov, I. V. Ananyev, A. A. Anisimov, K. A. Monogarov and L. L. Fershtat, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 7673 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT00917C

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