Issue 34, 2023

A viologen-based Cd(ii) coordination polymer as a multifunctional platform for photochromism, chemochromism and a broad range of fluorescence pH sensing


A multi-responsive Cd(II) coordination polymer (1) has been constructed by introducing a viologen derivative as both the framework backbone and ligand side pendant. Notably, compound 1 exhibits intriguing properties, including photochromism, methanol-assisted photochromism and chemochromism to ammonia. Furthermore, compound 1 also displays fluorescence pH sensing ability in a wide pH range.

Graphical abstract: A viologen-based Cd(ii) coordination polymer as a multifunctional platform for photochromism, chemochromism and a broad range of fluorescence pH sensing

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Article information

Article type
29 Mar 2023
10 Aug 2023
First published
12 Aug 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 11773-11779

A viologen-based Cd(II) coordination polymer as a multifunctional platform for photochromism, chemochromism and a broad range of fluorescence pH sensing

S. Zhang, K. Zhang, S. Du, S. Chen, Q. Zhang, X. Shi, Q. Meng, Y. Gai and K. Xiong, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 11773 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT00963G

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