Issue 47, 2023

An improved method for the synthesis and formation mechanism of M2B10H14 based on the reactions of B10H14 with MNH2BH3 (M = Na, K)


An efficient method for the synthesis of M2B10H14 (M = Na and K) has been developed. The two possible formation mechanisms of the B10H142− anion are proposed, in which the NH2BH3 anion acts as a proton abstractor and a hydride donor. Furthermore, the B10H13 and B10H15 intermediates were detected.

Graphical abstract: An improved method for the synthesis and formation mechanism of M2B10H14 based on the reactions of B10H14 with MNH2BH3 (M = Na, K)

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Article information

Article type
13 Oct 2023
20 Nov 2023
First published
21 Nov 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 17684-17688

An improved method for the synthesis and formation mechanism of M2B10H14 based on the reactions of B10H14 with MNH2BH3 (M = Na, K)

X. Chen, X. Yu, J. Chi, Y. Jing, H. Wang, N. Zhang, C. Zhang, Y. Ge and X. Chen, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 17684 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03403H

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