Issue 3, 2023

The chemistry of proton carriers in high-performance lithium-mediated ammonia electrosynthesis


Electrochemical lithium-mediated nitrogen reduction can enable synthesis of ammonia from renewables in a distributed fashion on various scales, but its integration into electrolyser devices presents an ongoing challenge, in particular due to the lack of understanding of the interrelation between the performance and the proton transport parameters. Herein, we use a top-performance N2 electroreduction system with lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide electrolyte to correlate the reaction metrics to the properties of the proton carrier, focusing on alcohols, a phosphonium cation, tetrahydrofuran, a Brønsted acid, ammonium and water. We demonstrate that productive carriers require optimised electrolyte compositions, which define the interplay of key reaction steps. Through this understanding, we achieved ammonia electrosynthesis with the phosphonium cation and iso-propanol at performance metrics close to those provided by the ethanol benchmark. Critically, we demonstrate that the latter undergoes irreversible degradation through reaction with oxidised solvent, which is not the case for the more robust iso-propanol and phosphonium cation proton carriers.

Graphical abstract: The chemistry of proton carriers in high-performance lithium-mediated ammonia electrosynthesis

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Article information

Article type
04 Dec 2022
11 Jan 2023
First published
12 Jan 2023

Energy Environ. Sci., 2023,16, 1082-1090

The chemistry of proton carriers in high-performance lithium-mediated ammonia electrosynthesis

H. Du, K. Matuszek, R. Y. Hodgetts, K. Ngoc Dinh, P. V. Cherepanov, J. M. Bakker, D. R. MacFarlane and A. N. Simonov, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 1082 DOI: 10.1039/D2EE03901J

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