Issue 5, 2023

Efficient and selective removal of ReO4 from highly acid solutions by SnS nanoflowers: implications for TcO4 sequestration


This study focused on a promising selective capture strategy for the sequestration of TcO4 under highly acidic conditions by exploring its analog, ReO4, to simplify the experimental conditions. A reductive SnS nanoflower (SSF) adsorbent system was synthesized and applied for the selective removal of ReO4 under highly acidic conditions. The synthesized SSF possessed an excellent adsorption capacity of 584 mg g−1, reached saturation within 60 min, and maintained the ReO4 capture ability in the presence of competing anions. The removal efficiency of ReO4 was up to 98.37% with a distribution coefficient of ∼6.03 × 104 mL g−1 in a 3 M HCl solution. Microscopy images indicated that the SSF retained its nanoflower structure after adsorbing ReO4. Based on the characterization data, a capture mechanism is proposed, whereby ReO4 is reduced to Re(IV) by the SSF to generate ReS2. In addition, the use of the SSF adsorbent for the capture of TcO4 resulted in the almost complete removal of these ions, even at very low concentrations. Moreover, the SSF successfully removed ReO4 in 2 M HNO3 by adding KCl. These excellent properties suggest that inorganic reducing materials can be used for the practical application of TcO4 sequestering from nuclear wastewater.

Graphical abstract: Efficient and selective removal of ReO4− from highly acid solutions by SnS nanoflowers: implications for TcO4− sequestration

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Article information

Article type
26 Feb 2023
22 Apr 2023
First published
01 May 2023

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2023,10, 1494-1503

Efficient and selective removal of ReO4 from highly acid solutions by SnS nanoflowers: implications for TcO4 sequestration

D. Cai, H. Yan, J. Han, J. Wen, C. Yang and N. Wang, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2023, 10, 1494 DOI: 10.1039/D3EN00126A

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