Issue 18, 2023

CO2-facilitated radical sequential (3 + 2) annulation of 1,6-enynes via cooperation of sulfinate catalysis and photocatalysis


Reported here is the CO2-facilitated radical sequential (3 + 2) annulation of 1,6-enynes that proceeds under the concerted catalysis of sulfinate and a photocatalyst (PC) to construct benzo-fused tricyclic scaffolds, that is tetrahydrofluorenes and their N-heterocyclic analogues, in generally good yields. This CO2-facilitated method allows the stable aromatic groups of 1,6-enynes to undergo radical addition-induced dearomatization and rearomatization under metal-, external oxidant- and base-free conditions and features a broad scope of 1,6-enyne substrates, as demonstrated by more than 60 examples including a series of 1,6-enyne derivatives of complex bioactive compounds. Importantly, CO2 as a green additive is disclosed to be essential for achieving this reaction with good efficiency, demonstrating a new role of CO2 in this transformation.

Graphical abstract: CO2-facilitated radical sequential (3 + 2) annulation of 1,6-enynes via cooperation of sulfinate catalysis and photocatalysis

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Article information

Article type
29 Jun 2023
09 Aug 2023
First published
11 Aug 2023

Green Chem., 2023,25, 7335-7343

CO2-facilitated radical sequential (3 + 2) annulation of 1,6-enynes via cooperation of sulfinate catalysis and photocatalysis

Y. Gao, S. Liu and W. Su, Green Chem., 2023, 25, 7335 DOI: 10.1039/D3GC02326E

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