Issue 20, 2023

Copper-catalyzed O-arylation of phenols with diazonium salts


It is well known that diazonium salts (ArN2+) react with phenols (Ar′OH) to give aryl diazoethers or diazo compounds, but their cross-coupling to exclusively access diaryl ethers is challenging. Herein we disclose the Cu-catalyzed etherification of phenols with aryl diazonium salts at room temperature, yielding diaryl ethers in moderate to excellent yields. The advantages of this protocol are mild reaction conditions, availability of reactants, operational simplicity, high tolerance of other functional groups and easy work-up. Its application to the synthesis of complex biological molecules is demonstrated. The reaction proceeds through single-electron transfer, extrusion of nitrogen, oxidative addition, and reductive elimination to give diaryl ether products.

Graphical abstract: Copper-catalyzed O-arylation of phenols with diazonium salts

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Jul 2023
04 Sep 2023
First published
05 Sep 2023

Green Chem., 2023,25, 8068-8073

Copper-catalyzed O-arylation of phenols with diazonium salts

X. Fang, C. Qi, X. Cao, Z. Ren, D. J. Young and H. Li, Green Chem., 2023, 25, 8068 DOI: 10.1039/D3GC02541A

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