Issue 7, 2023

Photoactivated antibiotics to treat intracellular infection of bacteria


Antibiotic resistance combined with pathogen internalization leads to debilitating infections. Here we test novel superoxide producing, stimuli-activated quantum dots (QDs), to treat an intracellular infection of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in an osteoblast precursor cell line. These QDs are precisely tuned to reduce dissolved oxygen to superoxide and kill bacteria upon stimulation (e.g., light). We show QDs provide tunable clearance at various multiplicities of infection and limited host cell toxicity by modulating their concentration and stimuli intensity, proving the efficacy of superoxide producing QDs for intracellular infection treatment and establishing a framework for further testing in different infection models.

Graphical abstract: Photoactivated antibiotics to treat intracellular infection of bacteria

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Article information

Article type
14 Jun 2022
08 Nov 2022
First published
07 Mar 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2023,5, 1910-1918

Photoactivated antibiotics to treat intracellular infection of bacteria

K. A. Eller, D. F. Stamo, C. R. McCollum, J. K. Campos, M. Levy, P. Nagpal and A. Chatterjee, Nanoscale Adv., 2023, 5, 1910 DOI: 10.1039/D2NA00378C

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