Issue 7, 2023

Angle-resolved plasmonic photocapacitance of gold nanorod dimers


The assembly of nanostructures with plausible statistical orientations has provided the opportunity to correlate physical observables to develop a diverse range of niche applications. The dimeric configurations of gold nanorods have been chosen as atypical model systems to correlate optoelectronic with mechanical properties at a number of combinations of angular orientations. Metals are considered as conductors in electronics and reflectors in optics – therefore, metallic particles at the nanoscale exhibit unique optoelectronic characteristics that enable the design of materials to meet the demand of the modern world. Gold nanorods have often been adopted as prototypical anisotropic nanostructures owing to their excellent shape-selective plasmonic tunability in the vis-NIR region. When a pair of metallic nanostructures is sufficiently close to exhibit electromagnetic interaction, the evolution of collective plasmon modes, substantial enhancement of the near-field and strong squeezing of the electromagnetic energy at the interparticle spatial region of the dimeric nanostructures occur. The localised surface plasmon resonance energies of the nanostructured dimers strongly depend on the geometry as well as the relative configurations of the neighbouring particle pairs. Recent advances in the ‘tips and tricks’ guide have even made it possible to assemble anisotropic nanostructures in a colloidal dispersion. The optoelectronic characteristics of gold nanorod homodimers at different mutual orientations with statistical variation of the angle between 0 and 90° at particular interparticle distances have been elucidated from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. It has been observed that the optoelectronic properties are governed by mechanical aspects of the nanorods at different angular orientations of the dimers. Therefore, we have approached the design of an optoelectronic landscape through the correlation of the plasmonics and photocapacitance through the optical torque of gold nanorod dimers.

Graphical abstract: Angle-resolved plasmonic photocapacitance of gold nanorod dimers

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Article type
26 Jan 2023
17 Feb 2023
First published
28 Feb 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2023,5, 1943-1955

Angle-resolved plasmonic photocapacitance of gold nanorod dimers

S. K. Pal, D. Bardhan, D. Sen, H. Chatterjee and S. K. Ghosh, Nanoscale Adv., 2023, 5, 1943 DOI: 10.1039/D3NA00061C

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