Discovery of SrZn2B6O12 with an unprecedented quadruple-layered configuration†
Exploring new borates with unique structures has been one of the most significant tasks in solid-state chemistry, especially those with layered architecture. In this communication, a new borate, SrZn2B6O12, is found to show a quadruple-layered configuration, which has never been found in borate systems. This rare 2[Zn4B12O(23+2/3)]∞ quadruple-layer is stacked by two 2[Zn2B6O12]∞ double-layers that are constructed by two single-layers of 2[B4O7]∞ and 2[Zn2B2O4]∞. SrZn2B6O12 exhibits moderate birefringence and the origin of the optical anisotropy is confirmed by theoretical analysis.