Issue 3, 2023

Probing dynamic covalent chemistry in a 2D boroxine framework by in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


Dynamic covalent chemistry is a powerful approach to design covalent organic frameworks, where high crystallinity is achieved through reversible bond formation. Here, we exploit near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to elucidate the reversible formation of a two-dimensional boroxine framework. By in situ mapping the pressure–temperature parameter space, we identify the regions where the rates of the condensation and hydrolysis reactions become dominant, being the key to enable the thermodynamically controlled growth of crystalline frameworks.

Graphical abstract: Probing dynamic covalent chemistry in a 2D boroxine framework by in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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Article type
08 Sep 2022
30 Nov 2022
First published
01 Dec 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 1068-1075

Probing dynamic covalent chemistry in a 2D boroxine framework by in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

P. Leidinger, M. Panighel, V. Pérez Dieste, I. J. Villar-Garcia, P. Vezzoni, F. Haag, J. V. Barth, F. Allegretti, S. Günther and L. L. Patera, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 1068 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR04949J

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