Issue 35, 2023

Built-in tensile strain dependence on the lateral size of monolayer MoS2 synthesized by liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition


Strain engineering is an efficient tool to tune and tailor the electrical and optical properties of 2D materials. The built-in strain can be tuned during the synthesis process of a two-dimensional semiconductor, such as molybdenum disulfide, by employing different growth substrates with peculiar thermal properties. In this work, we demonstrate that the built-in strain of MoS2 monolayers, grown on a SiO2/Si substrate by liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition, is mainly dependent on the size of the monolayer. In fact, we identify a critical size equal to 20 μm, from which the built-in strain increases drastically. The built-in strain is the maximum for a 60 μm sized monolayer, leading to 1.2% tensile strain with a partial release of strain close to the monolayer triangular vertexes due to the formation of nanocracks. These findings also imply that the standard method for evaluation of the number of layers based on the Raman mode separation can become unreliable for highly strained monolayers with a lateral size above 20 μm.

Graphical abstract: Built-in tensile strain dependence on the lateral size of monolayer MoS2 synthesized by liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition

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Article information

Article type
12 Apr 2023
14 Aug 2023
First published
14 Aug 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 14669-14678

Built-in tensile strain dependence on the lateral size of monolayer MoS2 synthesized by liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition

L. Seravalli, F. Esposito, M. Bosi, L. Aversa, G. Trevisi, R. Verucchi, L. Lazzarini, F. Rossi and F. Fabbri, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 14669 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR01687K

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