Issue 2, 2023

A TD-DFT study of a class of D–π–A fluorescent probes for detection of typical oxidants


A deep understanding of the fluorescence response mechanisms is the foundation for design-oriented strategies for D–π–A probes for trace hazardous chemicals. Here, from the perspective of electronegativity regulation of the π-bridge recognition site, an electron-donation modulation strategy involving various comprehensive evaluations of the optical and chemical properties is proposed through a series of theoretical analyses. Due to the preferential combined interaction between the π-bridge recognition site and MnO4, high electrophilic reactivity and feasible chemical reaction energy barrier, a high-performance filter paper chip and hydrogel chip for the detection of aqueous and air-suspended environmental KMnO4 was achieved. We expect the present modulation strategy will facilitate efficient fluorescent probe design and provide a universal methodology for the exploration of functional D–π–A molecules.

Graphical abstract: A TD-DFT study of a class of D–π–A fluorescent probes for detection of typical oxidants

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Article information

Article type
23 Sep 2022
01 Dec 2022
First published
02 Dec 2022

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023,21, 315-322

A TD-DFT study of a class of D–π–A fluorescent probes for detection of typical oxidants

D. Li, D. Lei, W. Ren, J. Li, X. Yang, Z. Cai, H. Duan and X. Dou, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023, 21, 315 DOI: 10.1039/D2OB01739C

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