Issue 2, 2023

Cobalt(iii)-catalyzed weakly coordinating arylurea-directed regioselective mono-olefination


Here, we developed an air-stable, earth-abundant cobalt(III)-catalyzed regioselective mono-olefination of arenes directed by urea under mild conditions through a cross-dehydrogenative coupling (CDC) process. Under the optimized conditions, a high regioselectivity of mono-olefination was achieved with various electron-rich and electron-deficient arenes, which afforded E-alkenylated products (with yields of up to 90%). In contrast to the conditions used for noble-metal-catalyzed olefination directed by weakly coordinating groups, our reaction was operated under mild conditions, including mild temperature (40 °C) and non-metallic oxidant.

Graphical abstract: Cobalt(iii)-catalyzed weakly coordinating arylurea-directed regioselective mono-olefination

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Article information

Article type
05 Nov 2022
29 Nov 2022
First published
01 Dec 2022

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023,21, 300-305

Cobalt(III)-catalyzed weakly coordinating arylurea-directed regioselective mono-olefination

S. Shen, Z. Zhang, Y. Gu, C. Gu, X. Yang, H. Xu and Y. Hu, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023, 21, 300 DOI: 10.1039/D2OB02026B

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