Issue 17, 2023

Balancing the phosphorescence and fluorescence of a double-ring porphyrin using different lanthanides for ratiometric oxygen sensing


Precise determination of oxygen concentrations is vital in a wide range of applications. Molecules with balanced phosphorescence and fluorescence can act as ratiometric oxygen sensors, and these single-molecule sensors represent the most accurate approach for oxygen sensing. Harnessing the different degrees of singlet–triplet state mixing induced by different lanthanides, a double-ring porphyrin (sinoporphyrin sodium, DVDMS) was simultaneously coordinated to gadolinium(III) and praseodymium(III) to balance the excited-state populations. The fluorescence and phosphorescence quantum yields for this lanthanide complex (PrGd-DVDMS) were 0.17% and 0.66%, respectively. Thus, the phosphorescence-to-fluorescence intensity ratio of PrGd-DVDMS was only 3 : 1; this compares very favorably with that for DVDMS coordinated to two gadolinium(III) ions (Gd2-DVDMS), which was 30 : 1. Furthermore, PrGd-DVDMS displayed excellent ratiometric oxygen sensing characteristics, and the uncertainty in its phosphorescence-to-fluorescence intensity ratio was considerably lower than that of Gd2-DVDMS. This new mixed-lanthanide porphyrin therefore has excellent potential as an oxygen indicator for applications such as environmental monitoring that require high reliability.

Graphical abstract: Balancing the phosphorescence and fluorescence of a double-ring porphyrin using different lanthanides for ratiometric oxygen sensing

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
11 Jul 2023
19 Jul 2023
First published
20 Jul 2023

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023,10, 5161-5166

Balancing the phosphorescence and fluorescence of a double-ring porphyrin using different lanthanides for ratiometric oxygen sensing

H. Zhao, Q. Wang, S. Wang, J. Yin, H. Wang, W. Shao, Z. Yao, J. Yao and L. Zang, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 5161 DOI: 10.1039/D3QI01306E

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