Issue 2, 2023, Issue in Progress

Electronic and optical properties of thiogermanate AgGaGeS4: theory and experiment


The electronic and optical properties of an AgGaGeS4 crystal were studied by first-principles calculations, where the full-potential augmented plane-wave plus local orbital (APW+lo) method was used together with exchange–correlation pseudopotential described by PBE, PBE+U, and TB-mBJ+U approaches. To verify the correctness of the present theoretical calculations, we have measured for the AgGaGeS4 crystal the XPS valence-band spectrum and the X-ray emission bands representing the energy distribution of the electronic states with the biggest contributions in the valence-band region and compared them on a general energy scale with the theoretical results. Such a comparison indicates that, the calculations within the TB-mBJ+U approach reproduce the electron-band structure peculiarities (density of states – DOS) of the AgGaGeS4 crystal which are in fairly good agreement with the experimental data based on measurements of XPS and appropriate X-ray emission spectra. In particular, the DOS of the AgGaGeS4 crystal is characterized by the existence of well-separated peaks/features in the vicinity of −18.6 eV (Ga-d states) and around −12.5 eV and −7.5 eV, which are mainly composed by hybridized Ge(Ga)-s/p and S-p state. We gained good agreement between the experimental and theoretical data with respect to the main peculiarities of the energy distribution of the electronic S 3p, Ag 4d, Ga 4p and Ge 4p states, the main contributors to the valence band of AgGaGeS4. The bottom of the conduction band is mostly donated by unoccupied Ge-s states, with smaller contributions of unoccupied Ga-s, Ag-s and S-p states, too. The AgGaGeS4 crystal is almost transparent for visible light, but it strongly absorbs ultra-violet light where the significant polarization also occurs.

Graphical abstract: Electronic and optical properties of thiogermanate AgGaGeS4: theory and experiment

Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2022
20 Dec 2022
First published
04 Jan 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2023,13, 881-887

Electronic and optical properties of thiogermanate AgGaGeS4: theory and experiment

T. V. Vu, V. D. Dat, A. A. Lavrentyev, B. V. Gabrelian, N. N. Hieu, G. L. Myronchuk and O. Y. Khyzhun, RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 881 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA07639J

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