Issue 8, 2023

A light-activated polymer with excellent serum tolerance for intracellular protein delivery


The design of efficient materials for intracellular protein delivery has attracted great interest in recent years; however, most current materials for this purpose are limited by poor serum stability due to the early release of cargoes triggered by abundant serum proteins. Here, we propose a light-activated crosslinking (LAC) strategy to prepare efficient polymers with excellent serum tolerance for intracellular protein delivery. A cationic dendrimer engineered with photoactivatable O-nitrobenzene moieties co-assembles with cargo proteins via ionic interactions, followed by light activation to yield aldehyde groups on the dendrimer and the formation of imine bonds with cargo proteins. The light-activated complexes show high stability in buffer and serum solutions, but dis-assemble under low pH conditions. As a result, the polymer successfully delivers cargo proteins green fluorescent protein and β-galactosidase into cells with maintained bioactivity even in the presence of 50% serum. The LAC strategy proposed in this study provides a new insight to improve the serum stability of polymers for intracellular protein delivery.

Graphical abstract: A light-activated polymer with excellent serum tolerance for intracellular protein delivery

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Article type
Edge Article
22 Oct 2022
20 Jan 2023
First published
21 Jan 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2046-2053

A light-activated polymer with excellent serum tolerance for intracellular protein delivery

L. Ren, L. Jiang, Q. Ren, J. Lv, L. Zhu and Y. Cheng, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 2046 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC05848K

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