Issue 44, 2023

Template-assisted synthesis of isomeric copper(i) clusters with tunable structures showing photophysical and electrochemical properties


A comparative study of structure–property relationships in isomeric and isostructural atomically precise clusters is an ideal approach to unravel their fundamental properties. Herein, seven high-nuclearity copper(I) alkynyl clusters utilizing template-assisted strategies were synthesized. Spherical Cu36 and Cu56 clusters are formed with a [M@(V/PO4)6] (M: Cu2+, Na+, K+) skeleton motif, while peanut-shaped Cu56 clusters feature four separate PO4 templates. Experiments and theoretical calculations suggested that the photophysical properties of these clusters are dependent on both the inner templates and outer phosphonate ligands. Phenyl and 1-naphthyl phosphate-protected clusters exhibited enhanced emission features attributed to numerous well-arranged intermolecular C–H⋯π interactions between the ligands. Moreover, the electrocatalytic CO2 reduction properties suggested that internal PO4 templates and external naphthyl groups could promote an increase in C2 products (C2H4 and C2H5OH). Our research provides new insight into the design and synthesis of multifunctional copper(I) clusters, and highlights the significance of atomic-level comparative studies of structure–property relationships.

Graphical abstract: Template-assisted synthesis of isomeric copper(i) clusters with tunable structures showing photophysical and electrochemical properties

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Article type
Edge Article
05 Sep 2023
12 Oct 2023
First published
13 Oct 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 12637-12644

Template-assisted synthesis of isomeric copper(I) clusters with tunable structures showing photophysical and electrochemical properties

J. Fang, Z. Liu, Y. Shen, Y. Xie and X. Lu, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 12637 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC04682F

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