Issue 19, 2023

Synthetic styrene-based bioinspired model of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution


Integration of molecular catalysts inside polymeric scaffolds has gained substantial attention over the past decade, as it provides a path towards generating systems with enhanced stability as well as enzyme-like morphologies and properties. In the context of solar fuels research and chemical energy conversion, this approach has been found to improve both rates and energy efficiencies of a range of catalytic reactions. However, system performance still needs to be improved to reach technologically relevant currents and stability, parameters that are heavily influenced by the nature of the incorporated molecular catalyst. Here, we have focused on the integration of a biomimetic {Fe2(μ-adt)(CO)6} (–CH2NHCH2S–, azadithiolate or adt2−) based active site (“[2Fe2S]adt”), inspired by the catalytic cofactor of [FeFe] hydrogenases, within a synthetic polymeric scaffold using free radical polymerization. The resulting metallopolymers [2Fe2S]adtk[DMAEMA]l[PyBMA]m (DMAEMA = dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate as water soluble monomer; PyBMA = 4-(pyren-1-yl)-butyl methacrylate as hydrophobic anchor for heterogenization) were found to be active for electrochemical H2 production in neutral aqueous media. The pyrene content was varied to optimize durability and activity. Following immobilization on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) the most active metallopolymer, containing ∼2.3 mol% of PyBMA, could reach a turnover number for hydrogen production (TONH2) of ∼0.4 ×105 over 20 hours of electrolysis at an overpotential of 0.49 V, two orders of magnitude higher than the isolated catalyst counterpart. The study provides a synthetic methodology for incorporating catalytic units featuring second coordination sphere functional groups, and highlights the benefit of the confinement within the polymer matrix for catalytic performance.

Graphical abstract: Synthetic styrene-based bioinspired model of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution

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Article type
27 Mar 2023
30 Jul 2023
First published
23 Aug 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2023,7, 4967-4976

Synthetic styrene-based bioinspired model of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution

A. Zamader, B. Reuillard, J. Pérard, L. Billon, G. Berggren and V. Artero, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2023, 7, 4967 DOI: 10.1039/D3SE00409K

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