Issue 21, 2023

Stabilization of high internal phase Pickering emulsions with millimeter-scale droplets using silica particles


High internal phase emulsions stabilized with colloidal particles (Pickering HIPEs) have recently been studied intensively because of their great stability achieved by the irreversible adsorption of particles onto the oil–water interface and their usage as a template for synthesizing porous polymeric materials, called PolyHIPEs. In most cases, Pickering HIPEs with microscale droplets ranging from tens of micrometers to hundreds of micrometers have been successfully achieved, but the stabilization of Pickering HIPEs with millimeter-sized droplets is rarely reported. In this study, we report for the first time that, by using shape-anisotropic silica particle aggregates as a stabilizer, successful stabilization of Pickering HIPEs with millimeter-sized droplets can be achieved, and the size of droplets can be simply controlled. Additionally, we demonstrate that stable PolyHIPEs with large pores can be readily converted to PolyHIPEs with millimeter-scale pores, which have advantages in absorbent materials and biomedical engineering applications.

Graphical abstract: Stabilization of high internal phase Pickering emulsions with millimeter-scale droplets using silica particles

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Feb 2023
04 May 2023
First published
08 May 2023

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 3841-3848

Stabilization of high internal phase Pickering emulsions with millimeter-scale droplets using silica particles

D. Kim, H. Lee, H. Yoon, D. Oh and K. Kim, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 3841 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00237C

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