Issue 35, 2023

Pathway selection by an active droplet


We report the movement of an active 1-pentanol drop within a closed Y-shaped channel subjected to geometrical and chemical asymmetry. A Y-shaped channel was configured with an angle of 120° between any two arms, which serves as the closed area of movement for the active drop. The arm where the 1-pentanol drop is introduced in the beginning is considered the source arm, and the center of the Y-shaped structure is the decision region. The drop always selects a specific route to move away from the decision region. The total probability of pathway selection excludes the possibility of the drop choosing the source channel. Remarkably, the active drop exhibits a strong sense of navigation for both geometrically and chemically asymmetric environments with accuracy rates of 80% and 100%, respectively. The pathway selection in a chemically asymmetric channel is a demonstration of the artificial negative chemotaxis, where the extra confined drop acts as a chemo-repellent. To develop a better understanding of our observations, a numerical model is constructed, wherein the particle is subjected to a net force which is a combined form of – (i) Yukawa-like repulsive interaction force (acting between the drop and the walls), (ii) a self-propulsion force, (iii) a drag, and (iv) a stochastic force. The numerics can capture all the experimental findings both qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, a statistical analysis validates conclusions derived from both experiments and numerics.

Graphical abstract: Pathway selection by an active droplet

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 May 2023
01 Aug 2023
First published
07 Aug 2023

Soft Matter, 2023,19, 6844-6850

Pathway selection by an active droplet

S. Dixit, A. Chotalia, S. Shukla, T. Roy and P. Parmananda, Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 6844 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM00610G

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