Issue 22, 2023

Metal–organic gels and their derived materials for electrochemical applications


Metal–organic gels (MOGs) are an emerging class of materials and potential candidates for electrochemical applications because they have the advantages of large surface areas, designable and tailorable structures, active metal sites, and mild synthetic conditions. In addition to pristine MOGs, MOGs have been converted into derivatives such as porous carbons and nanostructured metal oxides. The utilization of MOGs, MOG derivatives, and MOG nanocomposites with graphene, conductive polymers, and others has been studied in various electrochemical applications and there is a need for an exhaustive review that covers all the genres of metal–organic gels for electrochemical applications. This review focuses on electrochemical studies of MOGs in energy conversion and storage techniques. The latest progress in MOG materials for electricity/ion conductors (electrolytes), energy storage, and conversion (electrocatalysis, supercapacitors, and batteries) is summarized, and future developments in this rapidly advancing field are presented.

Graphical abstract: Metal–organic gels and their derived materials for electrochemical applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 Feb 2023
04 May 2023
First published
05 May 2023

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 11572-11606

Metal–organic gels and their derived materials for electrochemical applications

S. Ma, J. Xu, S. Sohrabi and J. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 11572 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA01221B

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